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Free traffic exchange for HitLeap HitLeap HitLeap is a Traffic Exchange service, which automatically delivers free traffic to your website.

              Making Money with HitLeap


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HitLeap is a traffic exchange service. It hooks up people who want to promote their sites with other people who also want to promote their sites. The idea is a mutual exchange of viewers; you show me yours I’ll show you mine, in a website sense.

As a HitLeap user, you can submit a URL into their network. Then nothing happens, because you don’t have any accrued minutes. In order to earn hits to your website, you need to acquire minutes. In order to acquire minutes, you need to browse through the HitLeap network and click on existing links to other sites. You have to do this through their browser, in order for the clicks to count.

Once you have earned minutes, you can spend them to put your link into the public awareness for a certain number of hits. Once you’ve gained that traffic, you’ve spent your minutes, and you must accrue more in order to earn more traffic.

At the outset, this sounds like a viable means of generating traffic. Indeed, a traffic exchange is a real and useful service, as long as it’s moderated and regulated properly. When it’s not, well, you end up with something like HitLeap.


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 The lofty ideals of a traffic exchange are corrupted through HitLeap. They proudly display how 90+ billion links have been exchanged through their service, but they say nothing about the quality of their traffic. That’s because most everyone on the site is using this routine to make money.

    First they set up an account with a referral payment service, which earns them money when a user clicks to their page. Payment for display ads is the typical source of income here.
    Second, they run the link through AdFly to shorten it and earn them extra money whenever a user comes through.
    Third, they submit their affiliate AdFly link to HitLeap. Once the system approves it, their link is in the system.
    Fourth, they run HitLeap Viewer to automatically rack up minutes, typically overnight while their computers are otherwise idle. Some people will even run the viewer on a dedicated machine or in the background 24/7.
    Fifth, they spend their minutes on HitLeap, knowing full well the traffic coming in is from bots. They don’t care, because bot traffic hitting their AdFly link is making them money, and bots clicking through to their main display site is earning them money. Even if no one ever buys their affiliate products, they still earn cash, a penny at a time.
    Sixth, they start it all over again when HitLeap removes their link, AdFly blocks their account or their affiliate drops them for using bot traffic.

HitLeap claims to be AdSense safe, meaning you could potentially plug in your legitimate Google links into the system. They are able to cloak their traffic to appear as though it’s coming from legitimate sites. Is it actually, or is it cloaked? That’s a question only the insiders could answer.

The HitLeap Viewer will automatically show you the websites of other members.

You can download the application on the Earn Traffic page. After finishing the installation, launch the HitLeap Viewer and follow the instructions.

The HitLeap Viewer is currently available for Windows and Ubuntu. Mac users can only run the application through VirtualBox.

Minimum system requirements:

    A 2GHz processor (with at least 2 cores)
    At least 1 GB of free RAM
    At least a 1 Mbps internet connection


    Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 or later


    Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or later
    Requires a graphical user interface (GUI)


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